Sunday 15 May 2016

Newest Version!

Hello everyone!

Sorry I completly forgot about making the newest post for the update.

Next time I will make a timed one with the patreon post.
I am just so fucking stupid. xD

Here is the link:


  1. 'Succubus attacks the Order' bad end sequence is broken; the game says 'Resource Graphics/Pictures/Ring Of Shielding is missing'.

    Of course, there's no real graphics change there, either.

    And the thing breaks completely at the 'Sintra geets enslaved' cutscene.

    EDIT: Seems the Ring Of Shielding bit isn't 'just' at the Succubus ending.

    In the Forest, fighting the spore plants, the script has blank pictures at points.

    In the Forest, the charmed-by-Nymph ending never changed their clothing or appearance. This is odd, when the beaten by Dryad ending, where you go through the same change, does change you.

    1. THanks for your input.
      Have changed the message system after some other bug reports from other people and work in the new version.
      Just forgot that there are accessoires that have no "image" to them.

      Think I found the bug for the succubus ending.
      I wonder when the bug found it's way into the game though. THink it worked fine before.

      Also changed the forest Nymph ending to properly change both chars into nymphs. Completly forgot that this one also changes your chars.

      Thanks a lot for your finds. ^^
