Monday 18 May 2015


I got some free time today and got to test the route from beginning to ending and it worked fine.
I haven't gotten to test the stand alone version yet, so please try to only use your original save datas as base if something bad happens.

Here is the version:

I hope you all have some fun with this little update!


  1. found a bug, still cant enter the cave, even after talking to the high preiestess, talking to her gain results in her acting like you never spoke to her before.

  2. *eagerly waiting* :D

  3. Seems good so far, but does it stop when you're Hilde/Tear at the start of the sewer? I'm blocked off as soon as that starts.

  4. Awesome work, still my personal favorite of these sorts of games!

  5. btw, some meanie hacked your release, and put npcbugs everywhere, like a tester npc boy in the holy gate town thing saying 16, or the tester npcs before that.

  6. Aaand you get stuck at a nun event, second floor, bottom row, second from the left.

  7. The nun bug goes further. Reporting any one dommie misdeed to the high priestess triggers an enslaved hilde and witch to appear behind her, and breaks the nun event, that otherwise doesn't start. prolly some switch screwyness.. also.. meh. game gone all dominant all of a sudden, with no choice railroad mind control for Niltaru, then one sided storytelling for Hilde Not sure of the direction you take this game in, but that may just be me... oh and bee gameover triggers even if you haven't lost against a bee, that use slime spirtes. Bug attack. perhaps I should just try and forget this game exists, come back in four months, be suprised by nawties.:P

  8. Still waiting.....

  9. Questions:
    1) How do I skip the maid castle? Just don't walk into it?

  10. Problem:
    After talking to the High Priestess with both party members I am tasked to ]enter the cave at the "west" of the town.... Still can't enter because Nilitaru won't accept it.... Can't start the next part....

  11. Game is kinda.. umm... broken

  12. First of all, thanks good story and good job.


    Some PNJ like a boy before the church say only a number (that change) when we talk with.

    For the Niltaru part.
    I can't talk to the High prietress about the nun that have loose the key, neither before nor after come inside her room.

    For the Hilde part
    There is an Hibiscus into the herculean plain, I remember that prieviously we can interact with this flower and here I can't. So I don't know if it is normal or not.

    Maybe some other interactions missing but nothing that have me blocked.

  13. Hello all

    Thxs for the new version. When i have a little time i play it and tell you about bug etc.
    Thxs for your work and for this wonderfull game


  14. When fighting the Councilor and if Hilde gets a status effect that changes her sprite, I get:

    This is having destroyed the staff and placed the rune, though I doubt that makes a difference.

  15. Weeeeeeee!!!!

  16. Soooo... how do you enter the cave? after I speak with the High Priestedd I can't seem to figure out where I am supposed to go or waht to do, cuss the cave won't let me in at all :/

  17. Excellent news, looking forward to trying it out. Haven't played since 2.9

  18. Is anyone else having trouble with not being able to pass the two pentagrams in the sewers with Tear?

    1. Yeah, me too.. Stuck with the two black pentagram blocking the way, with no other route to proceed.. (Or maybe there IS another road?).. Couldn't tell because I have wandered around the sewer but nothing was found... :(

    2. Same here. Is it the end of the current version?
