Friday 17 April 2015

Design of the rooms done

I worked on the game this week again.
I have done all of the rooms that I need for the Niltaru part for now.
I made the start into the whole event and now have to create a few events to insert into this part.
I hope to be done by the weekend so I can begin testing of it all.


  1. thanks for the work

  2. On a scale from 1-Ftang how many Lovecraft inspired scenes will be in the niltaru part

    -Not Deva

    1. Since I never read Lovecraft I have no idea what kind of scene are even lovecraftish. So it would be really hard for me to answer that!

    2. Oh you know.. some tentacles, twisted horrors from a realm beyond existance.. just try to write in the corner of a circle, while wearing boots without your feet.

    3. I think tentacles are difficult to realize if you have no pictures.
      I would really like to make more specific scenes, but without pictures it gets difficult :O
      I really want to make a haigure scene, but with out pictures it just makes no sense

  3. I feel your undepicted woes. You could try image requests forums, like on tfgames, those help, definitly on this .. common, weird haigure stuff(I dun get whats the deal. it lacks shemale demon mistresses usually) and.. hey, theres a lot of kinda naughty looking spawns/creatures that you can.. interprete creaively, for tentacles, see the jungle corruption monster in TLDH, You can imply a lot..
