Monday, 19 June 2017

New bugfixes

Hello everyone,

first let me thank you for your bug reports.
I know it was quite a lot this time, but please bear with me
I always try to fix them as soon as I hear of them.
And I tried a new bug testing method and now know I should
never again use it!

So from this time on I hope I will reduce the bugs
a bit.

Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug that you couldn't take the ward shift.
Fixed a bug that the ward shift didn't end.
Able to enter, exit the house of Julia/Mark.
Put the knife in it's respected place, at the tile
with the cabbage on top of it.
Ended the game after the "good" ending with Mark.
You couldn't recieve the medical supplies from the
ER during the shift. Now you can properly recieve them.
Sleeping at the bed now resets the bathed switch.
You can now trade all three items to Karin
for her bad end. (Two in ER room, one key is in the plant
another one can be found at the second floor changing room,
the other medicine is in the empty room of the first floor)
The blue haired family shouldn't appear too soon anymore
in the toilet. Also made it so the effect also doesn't appear anymore.
You can use the computer in the ER Room now after finding the
note with the password.
The reset for Lina now happens every time you sleep.
Making it possible to use her route easier.

I also updated the log file in the zip.

Here is the newest version:


  1. The game still acts like the blue haired family is in the 2F bathroom if you go to the door, but the on-screen effect is gone. The blue haired girl is also still on the third floor, at least at Brainwashing Level 0.

    Taking a bath from the lower end of the tub in the dorm leaves you stuck in the tub if the result was lowered corruption. Bathing does work more than once now.

    Lina is still in the 3F bathroom after meeting with the chief, even the next day. Are you supposed to be able to talk to her in there, because you can't go in there once she is in there...

    When looking at the potted plants, Julia says 'Looks like a normal flower.' but the plants don't have any flowers. Maybe replace the word 'flower' with 'plant'?

    Unless you fixed this with the last bug-fix, turning in the Massage items to the Agency doesn't affect the Massage Parlor.

    Some spelling errors/typos with examples:
    'Diabetis' should be 'Diabetes' (relevant patient)
    'creapy' should be 'creepy' (Little Miss, Brainwashing Level 0)
    There is an 'Ä' where there should be an apostrophe when talking to the Nympho Girl at Brainwashing Level 0. (2nd Floor)

    'definetly' should be 'definitely', 'litte' should be 'little', 'realising' should be 'realizing', 'unfullfilled' should be 'unfulfilled', and 'believes' should be 'beliefs' based on context. (All of these occur in the conversation between Lina and the Chief)

    The key I wasn't sure about was for the supplies, which you fixed. I was finally able to give everything to Karin. Should what she does to you when you talk to her afterward be doing something?

    1. I will take a look at the bath again.
      Also the blue family shouldn't be seeable when the effect isn't there, since both have the same trigger, so I am a little bit baffeld by that, but will also look into that.

      Lina should go to the second floor the next day. I tested it and it worked but will take a look at it again. The switch that resets her should be trigered when you go to sleep.

      Just took a flower for a plant, don't really have a connection to those green things so just wrote flower.
      Will change it for the next release.

      Looks like I kinda forgot to close the massage parlor.
      Will update that with the next release too.

      I will look into the spelling errors too, though they aren't in the highest priority.
      And thanks for writing where to find those misspellings, since just writing "you wrote that and that wrong, change it" doesn't really help and I normally ignore them. Since I am not inclined to look through the whole game in search of mispells. If I bug test and something springs in mind I change it, but I won't actively search for them.
