Saturday, 17 June 2017

Tales of Ameria 0.0.1e public Version!

Ok guys, here is the next version of my game for all the
I hope you have fun with it, and of course feel free
to post all the bugs you can find to me.


  1. Anyone else having trouble "getting rid of mark", I seem to be unable to walk past the doorway

    1. The doorway issue has been fixed, but is there any way to "Attack" Mark? Julia says she needs 'some sort of knife', there is nowhere to get a knife in the apartment, and you can't leave the apartment to get a knife if one is available elsewhere. She says this even if you have the Pink Scalpel, which is 'some sort of knife'.

      Also, the 'good end' to this scenario doesn't end/restart the game, but just leaves you standing there with the screen black, like the bug in the first version that occurred at the end of your shift.

  2. There is still no reaction if you talk to Karin with the pink scalpel.

  3. The lag is getting quite aggravating.

    Completing a Ward shift doesn't end your shift.

    The computer in the ER still does not work once you find the password for it.

    1. I will look into the lag once again.
      It became much better for me after the implementation of the plugin.
      I am currently uploading a new version that will fix the bug with the ward shift.
      Did you use a save file where you already found the note? Because that might cause a problem since I had forgotten the to put the item there, you would need to have a save file before finding the note.

    2. I started a new game when I started this version (0.0.1e).

  4. You cannot walk more than one step into your apartment before hitting an invisible wall, which causes a game-breaking bug if you go for the ending involving the computer in the ward.

    1. I made a new version you can download from the same link. It will there you will be able to enter the house.
      For now I made a change that you start above the "step" and leave before it. WIll try to change it without having to change other maps.

  5. You can't bathe more than once. I don't mean more than once a day; I mean more than one time per save file. Once you have bathed once, Julia will always says she "already bathed today" if you try to bathe, even days later.

    You are automatically assigned to the ER on your first day. By the way, ER in hospitals stands for 'Emergency Room', not 'Examination Room', so that acronym doesn't really work for that shift. 'Clinic' would probably be more accurate, if that works for you.

    The game also sometimes refers to the 'OR' as 'OP', such as when selecting a shift.

    1. Thought the first time you meant more than once a day, sorry about that. Now you can bath once a day, every day.

      As far as I know, at least in germany it is this way, the ER has many examination rooms. Though this is a pretty small hospital this has only one examination room thus I called that the emergency room. Thought it would make more sense to call it the emergency room instead of examination room.

      If you find another place where OP is wrongly typed please tell me. Always happy to change those small missteps.

  6. I still can't find any use for the Dildo (Will we eventually be able to use it like the Strange Orb, but with a different effect?), the 'Bigger Key' (Not from Lina. Still haven't found a way to continue that quest any further than seeing her in the office once.), the Scalpel from the ER, or the items from the Massage Parlor if you veer left. I assume the last two are supposed to be shown to Karin (I think they even say so when you find them), but the only items I have gotten a reaction from Karin for are the tools from the ER and the chemical you can find on the first floor of the Hospital. After I show her the chemical, she just asks if I need to be healed, and is automatically told no if I am at full health (showing her the chemical causes you to level up, which in turn causes you to be below max health, so you can heal once after giving her the chemical)

    1. The items tell you the "Tech Room" I had the items from the parlor implemented but not the pink scalpel, which I added another scene from with the next file. The tech room is on the other side of the medic room(Karin) the second character which told you about magic can help you with those items now.

  7. The blue-haired family is simultaneously in the second floor bathroom and in the second floor waiting area from the start, when they shouldn't be in the bathroom until later on. I wasn't certain this was a bug (there could have been two blue-haired families...) until I found the action that is supposed to cause them to go there. Talking to them and causing this action makes the screen turn black and stay that way, like the glitch from the first version. (If you can find your way to the front desk, [re]starting your shift will remove the blackness)

    How do you progress things with Lina? I saw the scene with her and the chief, and then she went into the bathroom. You can't go in there to talk to her. After your shift, she says she is worked up when you talk to her in the Dorm. Every day following that, she acts normal in the morning, is in that same bathroom during your shift, and is 'worked up' at night. Nothing changes.

    1. I made it so Lina resets everday making it much more accesible than before. You have to speak with her every day to advance her plot. First on the third floor, then on the second floor, then two times more at the third floor to make her truely a slave or either save her.
