Friday, 2 February 2018

Translated Version and Clitoris CG!

Hello everyone,

here is finally the last version of the current game.
I have translated it into japanese, a personal thing I always wanted to do,
and also added the CG for the clitoris ring.

I also got in contact with Sebastian and he should be working on the
character art for the next arc shortly!
I have requested 8 characters that will be done by him
which I will introduce in a few days with hopefully some pics for you to see! :O

Anyways here the link:


  1. In this new version, you can't even start a new game. As soon as Maria opens the door, an option window with 5 options shows up. No matter which option you pick, it simply displays text from a scene from the ward several times before displaying 5 options again, and so on. I believe this is a bug caused by the new translation option. There are other bugs visible if you load a saved game past this point.

    1. No idea how I fucked that up.
      But somehow changed two global events from
      "No Trigger" to "Paralel" and they both triggered with the opening from the stupid laser things.

    2. Updated the link for the game.
      Now it should be able to start a new game.
      If you find anything else please tell me.
      There could be some places were the text isn't
      displayed rightt after all.

  2. Don't know if anyone else gets this, but when I go into the dorm room, I don't get any text. It just says "JuliaDormRoom" with a number, like "JuliaDormRoom89"
