Thursday 6 November 2014

Kind of a slump?

I have been working on the game and inserted some little sub part of the next update that did take more time than I thought it would, especially because I am so bad at changing sprite.
Even worse at drawing some sprite. Which wasn't even a single time followed by a useable little sprite on my side... 10-0...

I thought about the next part and still can't completly decide how to go around it.
I know what I want to do, but just can't get the last little parts together.
I hope I will get a few nice ideas by watching some animes :O
If anyone has a suggestion just out with it!!!


  1. Don't know what you want so err yeah... can't help with suggestions. My suggestion is to take your time and come up with something you are happy with in the end. :)

  2. Should drop a line on forums and stuff if you need ideas. Dunno how much traffic the blog gets.

  3. Sad to hear you are having problems. But so far you have a done a great job of setting the right theme. If i would have any suggestions or a wish then perhaps a situation where you can do yourself a bit of mind control like hypnosis. But no *snip* "I am your master" but a something like a suggestion to think different about something or view things different without knowing about it.

  4. Vampire transformation ?
