Sunday 30 August 2015

Next update next week!

Hello everyone!

I made a new update this week.
But like last time, it will be only avaible for patreons.
Next week on Sunday I will make it avaible for everyone else.
So if you want to support my work feel free to become a patreon. :P

The patreon site is here:

You will be able to get into the fortress and fight against the nuns.
If you lose there will be ofcourse a game over. But if you win and fight against too many of the nuns, who knows what the underwear will do to you?
Watch out for next week!


  1. Patreons get 1 week early access now do they?

  2. They do indeed.
    They are paying money to support me, so I think it is fair enough.
    Also they bug test a little before everyone else, so less bugs for all before release.;)

  3. yes i have waited for this release can't wait untill next weekend i love this game
    and can't wait what the underwear will do :D
