Monday 27 May 2013

1. Floor done

Ok the first floor and it's events are now done.
What still lies ahead are the day one and two events that happen there.
I should complete them tomorrow so that I can finally move on to the next floor.
The castle is much more like a search and find place in contrast to the other places.
You have to find information about different characters and find ways about how to defeat them or weaken them in order to be able to even defeat them.
That is of course if you want to be able to save the city. ^^

I decided to make normal event non blinky and events that are dependend.(You have to activated Event A to be able to use Event B) are blinkable. So that if you are finally able to activate Event B you won't have to go through every room and activate every item there is.

1 comment:

  1. So... ever thought of a donate button ?
